Simplifies the task of performing a certain action on an arbitrary thread with a certain minimum interval
between two invocations. Only a single thread will execute the task; no threads will block waiting for that.
Instance methods
void | |
Checks whether it is time to execute the action. If so, executes it on the calling thread and returns only when
the action is complete. If not, returns very quickly without blocking. If another thread is currently executing the
action, returns very quickly without blocking.
void | |
Makes it so that the action will occur as soon as possible - namely, the next time a thread
invokes the RateLimitedAction.Check(Action) method.
void | |
Makes it so that the next action will occur no earlier than the RateLimitedAction.MinActionInterval.
If action is already in progress, it will complete as usual.
Instance properties
TimeSpan | | Gets/sets the minimum interval between two invocations. |