Legend Class Struct Enum Interface Delegate | Constructor Method Property Event Field |
| Static class: RT.Util.Geometry.GeomUtSummaryContains general geometry-related utility functions. Static methodsdouble | |
Returns "angle" relative to "reference". I.e. if the angles are the same, returns 0; if angle is further
anticlockwise, returns a positive number. | bool | |
Given a vector l, and two points pt1 and pt2, splits the space into two halves on the line defined by the
vector l. If both points lie in the same half, returns true. If they lie in different halves, or if at least
one point lies on the dividing line, returns false. If the vector l is of length 0, always returns false. | void | |
Merges adjacent (touching) polygons and removes the touching edges. Behaviour is undefined if any polygons
overlap. Only exactly matching edges are considered, and only if they have the opposite sense to each other.
Example use case: simplifying subsets of VoronoiDiagram polygons. | double | | "Unwinds" the specified angle so that it's in the range (-pi, pi] | IEnumerable<PointD> | SmoothArc(PointD center, double a, double b, double t1, double t2, double smoothness) |
Generates a series of points that approximate an elliptic arc curve. | IEnumerable<PointD> | |
Generates a series of points that approximate a cubic Bézier curve. | IEnumerable<PointD> | |
Given a parametrized curve, generates a series of points along the curve such that no individual segment is
more than smoothness away from the true curve. |