Represents a node in the
EggsML parse tree that corresponds to an EggsML tag or the top-level node.
Constructs a new EggsML parse-tree node that represents an EggsML tag. |
Constructs a new top-level EggsML parse-tree node containing the specified sub-nodes. |
Constructs a new EggsML parse-tree node that represents an EggsML tag containing the specified sub-nodes. |
Instance methods
IEnumerable<ConsoleColoredString> | |
Generates a sequence of ConsoleColoredStrings from an EggsML parse tree by word-wrapping the
output at a specified character width. |
string | |
Reconstructs the original EggsML that is represented by this node. |
string | | Gets the text of this node and/or sub-nodes concatenated into one string. |
object | | Returns an XML representation of this EggsML node. |
Instance properties
ReadOnlyCollection<EggsNode> | | The children of this node. |
bool | | Determines whether this node contains any textual content. |
int | | The index in the original string where this node starts. |
EggsTag | |
Gets a reference to the parent node of this node. The root node is the only one for which this property is
null. |
char? | | The character used to open the tag (e.g. “[”), or null if this is the top-level node. |