Legend Class Struct Enum Interface Delegate | Constructor Method Property Event Field |
| Static class: RT.Util.EggsMLSummary
Implements a parser for the minimalist text mark-up language EggsML. Remarks
The “rules” of EggsML are, in summary: -
In EggsML, the following non-alphanumeric characters are “special” (have meaning):
~ @ # $ % ^ & *
_ = + / \ | [ ] { } < > ` " -
All other characters are always literal.
All the special characters can be escaped by doubling them.
The characters
~ @ # $ % ^ & * _ = + / \ | [ { < can be used to open a “tag”. -
Tags that start with
[ { < are closed with ] } > . All other tags are closed with the
same character. -
Tags can be nested arbitrarily. In order to start a nested tag of the same character as its immediate
parent, triple the tag character. For example,
*one ***two* three* contains an asterisk tag nested
inside another asterisk tag, while *one *two* three* would be parsed as two asterisk tags, one
containing “one ” and the other containing “ three”. -
The backtick character (
` ) can be used to “unjoin” multiple copies of the same character. For
example, ** is a literal asterisk, but *`* is an empty tag containing no text. -
The double-quote character (
" ) can be used to escape long strings of special characters, e.g. URLs.
Static methodsstring | |
Escapes the input string such that it can be used in EggsML syntax. The result will either have no special
characters in it or be entirely enclosed in double-quotes. | EggsNode | |
Parses the specified EggsML input. | int | |
Word-wraps a given piece of EggsML, assuming that it is linearly flowing text. Newline (\n ) characters
can be used to split the text into multiple paragraphs. See remarks for the special meaning of +...+
and <...> . |
Static propertiesstring | | Returns all characters that have a special meaning in EggsML. |
Nested types |
Provides a delegate for EggsML.WordWrap<TState>(EggsNode, TState, int, EggsML.EggMeasure<TState>, EggsML.EggRender<TState>, EggsML.EggNextLine<TState>, EggsML.EggNextState<TState>) which measures the width of a string. | |
Provides a delegate for EggsML.WordWrap<TState>(EggsNode, TState, int, EggsML.EggMeasure<TState>, EggsML.EggRender<TState>, EggsML.EggNextLine<TState>, EggsML.EggNextState<TState>) which advances to the next line. | |
Provides a delegate for EggsML.WordWrap<TState>(EggsNode, TState, int, EggsML.EggMeasure<TState>, EggsML.EggRender<TState>, EggsML.EggNextLine<TState>, EggsML.EggNextState<TState>) which determines how the text state (font, color
etc.) changes for a given EggsML tag character. This delegate is called for all tags except for +...+
and <...> . | |
Provides a delegate for EggsML.WordWrap<TState>(EggsNode, TState, int, EggsML.EggMeasure<TState>, EggsML.EggRender<TState>, EggsML.EggNextLine<TState>, EggsML.EggNextState<TState>) which renders a piece of text. |