Describes a vertex in a 2D structure.
Use this to describe vertices abstractly, while PointD describes a concrete point in 2D space.
This class is intended to allow vertices to be reliably compared for equality without the pitfall of
floating-point rounding errors throwing off equality comparisons.
Instance methods
bool | | Refer to the documentation for IEquatable<Vertex>.Equals. |
bool | | Refer to the documentation for object.Equals. |
int | | Refer to the documentation for object.GetHashCode. |
string | |
Provides a means for derived classes to override the SVG path generation for a line segment from another
vertex from to this one. |
string | | Refer to the documentation for object.ToString. |
bool | | Compares two Vertex values for equality. |
bool | | Compares two Vertex values for inequality. |
Instance properties
PointD | | Returns the coordinates of this vertex in SVG space. |