Represents a cell in a circular grid. Any number of cells can make a full circle, and there can be any number of
circles of varying radius.
Instance methods
bool | | Refer to the documentation for object.Equals. |
bool | | Refer to the documentation for IEquatable<CircularCell>.Equals. |
IEnumerable<Link<Vertex>> | |
Given a collection of CircularCell objects, returns a collection of edges that describes the
perimeter of the current cell. |
IEnumerable<CircularCell> | |
Given a collection of CircularCell objects, returns the subset of those that would be neighbors
of the current cell. |
int | | Refer to the documentation for object.GetHashCode. |
string | | Refer to the documentation for object.ToString. |
Instance properties
PointD | | Returns the center point of this cell. |
CircleFraction | | Where along the circular perimeter this cell ends. |
int | |
Specifies the inner radius of this cell. The outer radius is this plus one. |
CircleFraction | | Where along the circular perimeter this cell begins. |
Nested types
Describes a grid of circular cells. Any number of cells can make a full circle, and there can be any number of
circles of varying radius. |
| Describes a vertex in a CircularCell grid. |