Represents a cell in a Chamf.Grid. Each cell may be a square or an elongated hexagon.
Instance methods
bool | | Refer to the documentation for IEquatable<Chamf>.Equals. |
bool | | Refer to the documentation for object.Equals. |
int | | Refer to the documentation for object.GetHashCode. |
string | | Refer to the documentation for object.ToString. |
Static methods
IEnumerable<Chamf> | |
Returns a set of Chamf cells that form a rectangle. Along the perimeter all the cells will be
hexagons. Only squares internal to these hexagons are included. |
Instance properties
PointD | | Refer to the documentation for IHasSvgGeometry.Center. |
IEnumerable<Link<Vertex>> | | Refer to the documentation for IHasSvgGeometry.Edges. |
IEnumerable<Chamf> | | Refer to the documentation for INeighbor<Chamf>.Neighbors. |
Chamf.Tile | |
Specifies whether this cell is a square, a horizontal hexagon, or a vertical hexagon. The hexagons are above
and to the left of the square with the same coordinates. |
Vertex[] | |
Returns the vertices along the perimeter of this Chamf, going clockwise from the top-left
(square or horizontal hex) or top (vertical hex). |
int | | X-coordinate of the cell. |
int | | Y-coordinate of the cell. |
Nested types
| Describes a 2D grid of square cells surrounded by hexagonal cells. Looks a bit like a 7-segment display. |
| Identifies one of the three types of tiles in a Chamf grid. |
| Describes a vertex (gridline intersection) in a Chamf.Grid. |