Represents a cell in a Cairo.Grid. The gridlines form an interlocking pattern of perpendicular
stretched hexagons. Each cairo is an irregular pentagon, one vertex of which can be thought of as the center
of a square, while the vertex two clockwise from that is a vertex of the same square. The remaining vertices
are off from the square’s edge but in such a way that 4 cairos make a flower-like shape which tiles the plane
in a rectilinear pattern.
The length of each side of the pentagons is √2 (√7 − 1)/3, or about .7758146. The inner angles of each
pentagon are: 2π − 2arccos((1 − √(7))/4) (apex; about 131.409°), 90°, arccos((1 − √(7))/4) (about 114.296°),
arccos((1 − √(7))/4) again, and 90° again.
The following shows the derivation of these quantities and the point coordinates. This diagram assumes a side
length of 1 for the underlying square. The code assumes 2, i.e., it scales it up by a factor of 2.