Encapsulates an arbitrary-size integer.
BigInt | | Returns the sum of this integer plus other. |
int | | Compares this integer to other. |
BigInt | | Returns the quotient obtained by dividing this integer by other. |
QuotientRemainder | | Calculates a quotient and remainder by dividing this integer by other. |
bool | | Equality comparison. |
bool | |
bool | | Returns whether the bit at index is 1 (regardless of the integer’s sign). |
int | | Hash code function. |
BigInt | |
Raises the current integer to the power of exponent and returns the result modulo modulus. |
BigInt | | Returns the remainder obtained when dividing this integer by other. |
BigInt | | Returns the product of this integer times other. |
BigInt | | Raises the current integer to the power of exponent and returns the result. |
BigInt | | Returns the floor (integer portion) of the square root of the current value. |
string | | Override; see base. |
BigInt | | Returns the sum of one plus two. |
BigInt | | Bitwise and operator. |
BigInt | | Bitwise or operator. |
BigInt | | Decrement operator. |
BigInt | | Returns the quotient obtained by dividing one by two. |
bool | | Equality comparison operator. |
BigInt | | Bitwise xor operator. |
bool | | Greater-than comparison operator. |
bool | | Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 64-bit signed integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 64-bit unsigned integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 32-bit signed integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 32-bit unsigned integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 16-bit signed integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from a 16-bit unsigned integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from an 8-bit signed integer. |
BigInt | | Constructs a BigInt from an 8-bit unsigned integer. |
BigInt | | Increment operator. |
bool | | Inequality comparison operator. |
BigInt | |
Returns the result of a bit-shift-left by the specified amount. This is equivalent to
multiply by 2 to the power of amount. |
bool | | Less-than comparison operator. |
bool | | Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator. |
BigInt | | Returns the remainder obtained when dividing one by two. |
BigInt | | Returns the product of one times two. |
BigInt | | Returns the bitwise inverse (bitwise NOT). |
BigInt | |
Returns the result of a bit-shift-right by the specified amount. This is equivalent to
dividing by 2 to the power of amount and rounding down. |
BigInt | | Returns the difference of one minus two. |
BigInt | | Returns the negative value. |
BigInt | | Returns the operand. |