| Enables easy manipulation of simple hierarchical sets of values.
Targets specifically the use of XML for storing application settings. Examples:
RVariant v;
v = 3; // now stores the integer "3"
v = "hi there"; // now stores the string
v = DateTime.Now(); // stores current time
string s = v; // s holds datetime in ISO, e.g. "2008-03-13 19:20:14.1230000Z"
v = new RVariant(); // v can become anything at the moment, known as Stub
v["form1"]["top"] = 20; // v becomes a Dict, holding another dict, holding 20.
v["columns"][4] = "hi"; // v["columns"] holds a list: 0..3 are all Stubs, while
// item 4 holds "hi" and has path "columns[4]"
v["form2"] = v["form1"]; // deep copying
int i = v["form3"]["top"].OrDefaultTo(47);
// since form3/top does not exist, returns 47.
// but i = v["form3"]["top"]; throws an RVariantConvertException.
RVariant.ToXml(v, "settings").Save("settings.xml");
// save to an XML file
Properties that aid debugging:
v.FullPath - the path to the given node in its hierarchy, e.g. "form2/top".
v.Kind - one of the possible variant kinds: Stub, List, Dict, Value.
v.Value - for Value variants, returns the value stored.