

Namespace: RT.Util.ExtensionMethods

Assembly: RT.Util.Core
Provides extension methods on array types.
Provides extension methods on various collection types or interfaces in the System.Collections.Generic namespace such as IList<T>.
ConsecutiveGroup<TItem, TKey>
Encapsulates information about a group generated by IEnumerableExtensions.GroupConsecutive<TItem>(this IEnumerable<TItem>, IEqualityComparer<TItem>) and its overloads.
Console-related extension methods.
Extension methods related to custom comparer.
Provides extension methods on the DateTime type.
Provides extension methods on dictionaries (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> and IDictionary<TKey, TValue>).
Provides extension methods on the IEnumerable<T> type.
Provides extension methods on the collection type.
Defines one of several common date/time formats which are either ISO-8601 compatible or very slight deviations from it.
Defines a precision for a date/time stamp.
Selects how the escaped JS string should be put into quotes.
Provides extension methods on numeric types.
Provides extension methods on the Process type, as well as utility methods which are logically static extensions on the Process type but have to be invoked as static methods of this class.
Provides extension methods on the Random type.
Extension methods related to read-only collections.
Provides extension methods on types involved in the Reflection API.
Extension methods related to random number generation.
Provides extension methods on the Stream type.
Provides extension methods on the String type.
Provides extension methods on the TextReader, TextWriter and any related types.
Provides extension methods on the classes belonging to the LINQ XML API (XElement, XContainer, and XAttribute).