

Namespace: RT.Util

Assembly: RT.Util.Core
Encapsulates an IEqualityComparer<T> that uses SequenceEqual to compare arrays for equality.
Provides features to execute cmd.exe commands in a hidden window and retrieve their output. This class is geared heavily towards executing console programs, batch files and console scripts, but can also execute built-in commands and non-console programs. Because the command goes through cmd.exe, the PATH, PATHEXT and file associations are all automatically taken care of. (see also remarks)
Indicates that a command returned an exit code indicating a failure.
Represents one of the possible states a CommandRunner can have.
Implements a logger which outputs messages to the console, word-wrapping long messages. Can use different colors for the different message types.
Provides static functionality to execute work on an unlimited call stack, which is not limited to 1 MB as the standard call stack is.
Encapsulates an IComparer<T> that uses a comparison function provided as a delegate.
Encapsulates an IEqualityComparer<T> that uses an equality comparison function provided as a delegate.
Implements a parser for the minimalist text mark-up language CuteML. (see also remarks)
Represents a parse error encountered by the CuteML parser.
Contains a node in the CuteML parse tree.
Represents a node in the CuteML parse tree that corresponds to a CuteML tag or the top-level node.
Represents a node in the CuteML parse tree that corresponds to a piece of text.
Indicates insertions and deletions in the output of Ut.Diff<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEqualityComparer<T>, Func<T, bool>, Func<IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<ValueTuple<T, DiffOp>>>).
Implements a parser for the minimalist text mark-up language EggsML. (see also remarks)
Represents a parse error encountered by the EggsML parser.
Contains a node in the EggsML parse tree.
Represents a node in the EggsML parse tree that corresponds to an EggsML tag or the top-level node.
Represents a node in the EggsML parse tree that corresponds to a piece of text.
Provides generic versions of some of the static methods of the Enum class.
Implements a logger which appends messages to a file by opening and closing the file each time. This is in contrast to StreamLogger, which keeps the stream open.
Implements method chaining for CommandRunner.Run(params string[]).
Measures frame rate statistics (or, more generally, statistics of any event occurring multiple times in real time).
FuncClass<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only reference types as input.
FuncClassClass<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only reference types as input and return types.
FuncClassStruct<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only reference types as input and only value types as return types.
FuncStruct<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only value types as input.
FuncStructClass<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only value types as input and only reference types as return types.
FuncStructStruct<TInput, TResult>
Provides a function delegate that accepts only value types as input and return types.
Represents an internal error in the code. Any place where the code is able to verify its own consistency is where this exception should be thrown, for example in "unreachable" code safeguards.
Abstract base class for all loggers. Implements some common functionality. (see also remarks)
Specifies the type of a log message logged using a subclass of LoggerBase.
Implements a logger which can log messages to several other loggers. The underlying loggers can be configured as necessary; their settings will be respected.
Simplifies submitting POST requests with data encoded in the multipart/form-data format. See Remarks. (see also remarks)
Generates a sequence of short names starting with “a” through “z”, followed by two-letter names etc.
Implements a logger which doesn't do anything with the log messages. Use this as the default logger where no logging is wanted by default, to avoid checks for null in every log message.
Represents a path-related exception.
Provides path-related utilities.
Encapsulates an element node in a RhoML tree.
Exposes methods related to the RhoML language. See Remarks. (see also remarks)
Encapsulates one of the two possible types of RhoML nodes.
Represents a RhoML parsing exception.
Encapsulates a text node in a RhoML tree.
This class offers static functions which generate random numbers in a thread-safe manner.
This class offers static functions which generate cryptographically-strong random numbers in a thread-safe manner.
Contains methods used to augment the program with Rummage-related information.
Use on a method or constructor parameter of type "Type". Instructs Rummage that this method uses the Type passed in in a way that is fully compatible with all obfuscations, including removing members not directly referenced, renaming members, unnesting types and so on.
Instructs Rummage to inline a specific method or property that would otherwise not be automatically inlined.
Instructs Rummage to keep all the types reflection-safe which are passed in for the given generic parameter.
Instructs Rummage to refrain from making any changes to a specific type.
Use only on custom-attribute class declarations. Instructs Rummage to keep everything reflection-safe that uses the given custom attribute.
Instructs Rummage not to mark this type as reflection-safe if it determines that the base type needs to be kept reflection-safe.
Instructs Rummage not to inline a specific method or property that would otherwise be automatically inlined. This attribute takes precedence over RummageInlineAttribute if both are specified on the same method or property.
Instructs Rummage not to mark derived types as reflection-safe if it determines that this type needs to be kept reflection-safe.
Instructs rummage to keep the original access modifier of a specific element.
Instructs Rummage to keep a specific type, method, constructor or field.
Instructs Rummage to keep the original name of a specific type, all of its members, and all the members in all of its nested types.
Instructs Rummage to keep the original name of a specific element.
Instructs rummage to avoid un-nesting the specified type.
Specifies credentials and settings required to run a process as a different user.
The way SoundPlayer was meant to be, but someone screwed it up. This is the official MS workaround.
Abstract base class to encapsulate a stopwatch - an object that remembers events as they happen and when they happen and outputs a report with timing information at the end.
Implementation of Stopwatch that logs messages to the console.
Implementation of Stopwatch that doesn't do anything.
Encapsulates a single entry in a Stopwatch log.
Concrete implementation of Stopwatch. This class provides an object that remembers events as they happen and when they happen and outputs a report with timing information at the end.
Implements a logger which puts messages into any StreamLogger.Stream by creating a TextWriter wrapper around it. Use this logger only if the stream will remain open for the duration of the execution.
Provides a more accurate way to measure the amount of CPU time consumed by a thread, using the new QueryThreadCycleTime call introduced in Vista. Unlike Ut.Tic(), this measures in unspecified units, and only counts the times when this thread is actually in possession of a CPU time slice.
Base class for a timer with particularly self-explanatory method names which are chainable. See Remarks. (see also remarks)
A timer measuring the number of CPU clock cycles consumed by the calling thread between the calls. To ensure correct operation, the timer must be instantiated on the same thread on which the measurements will be performed. See Remarks on Tmr<T>.
A timer measuring the number of real-time seconds elapsed between the calls. See Remarks on Tmr<T>.
Indicates an error that occurred while using PathUtil.ToggleRelative(string, string).
Details a problem that occurred while using PathUtil.ToggleRelative(string, string).
Provides extension methods that apply to all types.
Helps limit the rate of an action to be within all of the defined rate limits, by suspending the calling thread until the action may be executed without exceeding any of the limits. Warning: this class is not thread-safe!
Defines a rate limit for use with Waiter, as an absolute maximum number of occurrences permitted in the specified time interval.
WinAPI function wrappers
Provides a delegate to specify work to be executed on an unlimited call stack. See CustomCallStack.Run<T>(WorkNode<T>) for details.
Describes the result of a call to a WorkNode<T>. (see also remarks)