Replace(input, replaceWith, startAt, maxReplace) Replace(input, replaceWith, startAt, maxReplace) ThenExpect(exceptionGenerator, comparer, elements) ThenExpect(exceptionGenerator, comparer, elements) Throw(exceptionGenerator)
Legend Class Struct Enum Interface Delegate | Constructor Method Property Event Field |
| Method: TOtherGenerex then<TOtherGenerex, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerexMatch, TMatchObject>(Func<TMatchObject, GenerexBase<T, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerex, TOtherGenerexMatch>>, Func<T[], int, TMatch, TMatchObject>)- Declared in: RT.Generexes.GenerexBase<T, TMatch, TGenerex, TGenerexMatch>
Declarationprotected internal TOtherGenerex then<TOtherGenerex, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerexMatch, TMatchObject>(
Func<TMatchObject, GenerexBase<T, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerex, TOtherGenerexMatch>> selector,
Func<T[], int, TMatch, TMatchObject> matchCreator
) Summary
Returns a regular expression that matches this regular expression, then uses a specified selector to create a
new regular expression from the match, and then matches the new regular expression. Generic type parametersTOtherGenerex |
Type of the regular expression generated by the selector. | TOtherMatch |
Type of internal match information used by TOtherGenerex (i.e. int or
LengthAndResult<T> ). | TOtherGenerexMatch |
Type of match object returned by matches of TOtherGenerex. | TMatchObject |
Type of the parameter accepted by the selector. |
ParametersFunc<TMatchObject, GenerexBase<T, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerex, TOtherGenerexMatch>> | selector |
A delegate that creates a new regular expression from an object that represents a match of the current regular
expression. | Func<T[], int, TMatch, TMatchObject> | matchCreator |
A delegate that, given the input sequence, start index and the internal match info, constructs the match
object accepted by selector. |
The resulting regular expression. Remarks
Regular expressions created by this method cannot match backwards. The full set of affected methods is listed
at GenerexBase<T, TMatch, TGenerex, TGenerexMatch>.Then<TOtherGenerex, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerexMatch>(Func<TGenerexMatch, GenerexBase<T, TOtherMatch, TOtherGenerex, TOtherGenerexMatch>>). |