Match<>(input, generex, startAt) MatchExact<>(input, generex, mustStartAt, mustEndAt) New<>(comparer, elements) Not<>(comparer, elements)
Legend Class Struct Enum Interface Delegate | Constructor Method Property Event Field |
| Static method: Generex<T, IEnumerable<TResult>> InAnyOrder<T, TResult>(IEnumerable<Generex<T, TResult>>)Declarationpublic static Generex<T, IEnumerable<TResult>> InAnyOrder<T, TResult>(
IEnumerable<Generex<T, TResult>> generexes
) Summary
Generates a regular expression that matches the specified regular expressions in any order. Generic type parametersT |
Type of the elements to match. | TResult |
Type of the result object associated with each match of the regular expression. |
ParametersIEnumerable<Generex<T, TResult>> | generexes |
The regular expressions to match. |